West Covina Commercial Roof Repair

Sam Roofing is one of the top West Covina commercial roof repair companies and offers complete, comprehensive service to fit your project budget and time frame. All commercial roofing products and systems are included in this.


West Covina Commercial Roof Repair

The business’s finest labor and material warranty and our dedication to quality and customer service support our work. For comprehensive project management, we use our teams and management.

Count on our skilled workers to finish the work quickly, with consideration for your property, and with thorough cleanup afterward. 


West Covina Commercial Roof Repair: Different Facets


If you’re going to make sure your commercial roof stands the test of time, you need a trusted West Covina commercial roof repair company in your corner. That way, you’ll have someone watching over your warehouse roof and all the commercial roof restorations you may require.


See below for a complete guide to West Covina commercial roof repair and everything to consider when finding the right company for the job.


What Is West Covina Commercial Roof Repair?


Like any other type of roof, commercial roofs go through a lot of wear and tear over the course of their lifetime. As a result, they are at risk of developing punctures, water puddles, shrinkage, cracking, erosion, etc.


Most commercial property owners need to pay more attention to their roofs, leading to these issues going unnoticed. Contrary to popular belief, your insurance will only cover repairs if there are indications that your roof has received proper inspections or repairs.


Signs Your West Covina Commercial Roof Repair Is On The Cards


The signs that your roof needs repair are sometimes more obvious. Most people get caught up in the tell-tale signs and miss the subtle ones. The result, as expected, is devastating.


We shall highlight a couple of subtle signs which show that it’s time to repair your commercial roof:-


Excessive humidity


Your roof’s primary job is to keep excess moisture away from your commercial space. So when you notice everything that feels sticky and wetter, it may have something to do with your roof. It could be a hole or tear in the roof that lets all the moisture in.


You may also notice water stains on the ceiling and a musty smell. If that is the case, arrange for roof repair services as soon as possible.


Skyrocketing energy bills


Have your energy bills been through the roof lately, despite not having new electrical installations? If so, you could have a severe problem with your roof. Most likely, the problem is a roof leak or maybe a couple of them.


With roof leaks, more cold air enters your business premises. The air conditioning has to work much harder to keep the rooms warm. The result is astronomically high energy bills with no apparent explanation.


Musty smells inside the building


Everyone looks for mold to see if moisture is creeping through the roof. However, in some cases, conditions may not allow mold growth. 


This, however, does not mean that you do not have water leaking through the roof. If there’s a pervasive musty smell in the building, it’s most likely a problem with your roof. 


Air fresheners are typically used to cover up the odor. Although it works, this is merely a short-term fix. The musty smell means that water is seeping through your commercial roof.


Clogged drains


Your roof will have gutters and drains carrying water from the top. If the amount of water in your downspout doesn’t match the downpour, you likely have clogged drains.


Clogged drains in your commercial roof are hard to notice, and they don’t seem like much of a problem. The problem with clogged drains is that the water cannot come out of the downspout. 


Water will accumulate on the roof and increase its load. If you are not careful, the entire roof could collapse due to the excess load.


Bubbles on the roof


The only way to tell if your roof has bubbles is to climb. However, it would be best if you didn’t overlook any bubbling on your roof since it is a warning indicator. This suggests that the first layer of your roof has a lot of moisture built up underneath it.


The quantity of moisture beneath the top layer increases with the number of bubbles. No matter how many bubbles there are, schedule roof repairs immediately.


Water stains inside commercial building


Attributing water stains on your wall to leaks in your plumbing system is easy. Instead of looking at the pipes, try looking up. The water seeps from the roof leaves not-so-obvious stains on the walls. 


Covering the colors will hide it, but doing so will not solve the problem. Instead, you will need to call a reputable roof repair company to resolve the issue. In this manner, we can track the leak’s origin and permanently solve the problem.


Ponding on the roof


Some standing water on your roof after heavy rain is perfectly normal. The problem comes when the accumulated water does not disappear, even after 72 hours. Pooled water at the top presents ideal conditions for mold growth. If mold doesn’t trap you, you’ll have to deal with the discoloration of the roof. 


Ponding on the roof

Our West Covina Commercial Roof Repair Process


For company owners, repairing a commercial roof can be scary and frustrating. When you realize you need commercial roof repairs, you may have to lock your doors or face astronomical repair charges temporarily. 


This might only sometimes be the case, though. The steps involved are:


Internal inspection process


The first thing we will do is inspect the interior of the building, as this is the most important place to check for damage. Why? This is because if the roof damage has compromised the structural integrity of the interior spaces, it could be a significant safety hazard.


We will typically look for signs of water damage, such as discoloration on the walls and mold. We will also identify where there might be breaks in the roof covering that expose interior spaces to the elements.


Exterior inspection process


Next, we review the roofing system from the outside. We will look for visual signs of damage, such as missing shingles, curled shingles, impact damage to single-membrane roof structures, damaged flashing, old and worn caulking, and visible signs of roof leaks and gutter system damage.


As you can imagine, this will involve getting up on the roof and closely examining the entire roofing system.


Estimation process


Once your roof has been thoroughly evaluated and if any repairs are needed, we will come up with an estimate for the job. This is what the evaluation will include:


  • The cost of materials needed to complete the job.
  • The cost of labor for the job
  • Details about the current state of the roof
  • A report of recommended repairs
  • A timeline for the work


Please be aware that schedules might change based on weather, labor availability, and client demands. However, if you accept the offer’s parameters, repairs can start.


Repair process


The repair process will vary depending on the problem with your roof. For example, if the flashing on your roof has been damaged, we will most likely replace it with new flashing. Typically, areas with worn sealant will be re-caulked or tarred to ensure a secure, watertight seal.


Missing or damaged shingles will also be replaced. We deal with the same kinds of shingles you already have on your roof, if the job will include replacing shingles.


Commercial Roof Leaks: What To Do


About 40% of construction-related problems are due to water intrusion, usually through the roof. So if your commercial roof leaks, don’t wait. 


Instead, follow these six steps to address a leaky roof immediately to minimize damage and other complications. Otherwise, you will have to deal with a long list of losses and high costs in the future:-


Identify the commercial roof leak’s source


Try to identify the leak’s source first. Finding the leak’s actual entrance location as soon as possible is crucial. If not, the water damage will keep growing. Mold and mildew could also start to form and thrive.


Determine if any roof penetrations allow rain to enter or if you have a leak due to another problem.

Common Causes of Commercial Roof Leaks


  • Problems with your plumbing, heating, or cooling unit 
  • Pest infestation
  • Clogged gutters
  • Cracks in the roof membrane
  • Flashing failures


Clear the affected area within the commercial property


Once you identify the source of the leak, try to minimize interior damage as much as possible. To reduce losses, get rid of the expensive supplies and equipment from the region. 


Place a bucket under the leak to collect water until you can repair the damage. If anyone works in that area, ask them to stay away, if possible, to avoid any contact with possible mold.


Mark the entry point for water damage


Once you locate the entry point of the leak, be sure to mark the area. Flagging visible leaks can help both your insurance agent and the roofing contractor.


 Otherwise, you could waste valuable time trying to find the source of the leak again. A good tip is to use brightly colored tape to mark the entry point.


Identify other problems


After determining that you have a leaky roof in your commercial building, complete a comprehensive walk-through of your property. 


Look for other signs of leaks inside your building. With luck, you may have a leak limited to one area, but it is possible to have multiple leaks at once.


Call your insurance agent


Once you have the situation under control, be sure to call your insurance agent. First, determine if your insurance policy covers interior damage from roof leaks.


Call a West Covina commercial roof repair contractor


Remember, a commercial roofing professional can help in all areas when a leak is suspected. You don’t have to go through this process alone! Addressing roof leaks on your own can be time-consuming and exhausting. Instead, call roofing professionals you can count on. 


Addressing Roof Leaks in a Factory

Will My Warranty Cover The Damage?


There are two different types of warranties on commercial roofing: the manufacturer’s no-dollar-limit (NDL) warranty and the roofing contractor’s warranty. Below, we’ll look more closely at each of them:-


Manufacturer’s No Dollar Limit (NDL) warranty


A No-Dollar-Limit Warranty (NDL) reveals that the manufacturer will cover any damage caused to your commercial roof due to failures or defects in their products. The repair costs will be covered if the defect occurs during the warranty period.


As the guaranteed name would imply, there is no dollar limit. So even if it costs more to fix the problem than it did to install the roof initially, the manufacturer will end up footing the bill.


Here’s the key: This no-dollar-limit warranty will only cover materials you buy directly from the manufacturer. Keep it in mind!


Roofing contractor warranty


The second type of warranty is known as a Roofing Contractor Warranty. This type of warranty covers all work done on your commercial roof by a contractor installing the manufacturer’s products.


However, it is essential to know that a roofing contractor’s warranty does not cover any problems with the roof itself. For example, if your roof is damaged by fire, this type of warranty will not cover repairs.


What would void my warranty?


It is imperative to know what would void your warranty (rendering the warranty invalid).


There are a few things that can do this, but the two most common reasons are:


  • Unauthorized modifications were made to the roof.
  • Authorized modifications were made to the roof, but they were done negligently.


Warranties have real financial value as far as your commercial roof is concerned, but you must ensure you understand their terms and follow them thoroughly.


West Covina commercial roof repair can seem daunting; however, with the help of reliable and experienced roofing contractors, the whole process becomes straightforward. 


If you are considering repairing your commercial roof, call us at Sam Roofing to avoid a long list of problems and ensure a perfect job.


Understand The Benefits Of Executing Timely Repairs For Your Commercial Roof

A timely roof repair is necessary for any building and should be no different for your commercial roof. Here are the benefits to seek in the process.

Extends the life span of the roof A timely roof repair addresses the damage at a nascent stage and extends the roof’s lifespan. Flat commercial roofs can last four decades if you conduct the repairs on time.
Protect your employees and commercial operations Do you want commercial operations in jeopardy due to leaks from the roof? A timely repair of the roof prevents these problems.
Avoid potential health hazards Did you know that a leaky roof could lead to mold & mild dew formation inside the commercial space? It could create health hazards and hence a timely repair of the roof is extremely necessary.



Building insurance may cover commercial roof repairs if the damage has been caused by storms or fire breakouts.

You must look to remove the valuables away from the leak spot. You can then mark the area and call a professional roof repair specialist to handle the problem.

If the integrity of the seam is good and the membrane shrinkage is at a minimum, then we can repair the roof, and it should last for a few more years.

Sometimes the location of a leak that appears inside the building can come from a completely different source altogether. If we have not installed the roof and have not been regularly maintaining the structure, it will be hard for us to predict, when the roof may develop problems. Hence, what appears as the same leak is not so. If in case, it is the same leak, we will fix it without billing you.